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Introduction Of Java Programming

  • It is a high level programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystem which was initiated by James Gosling in 1995.
  • It runs on variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS and various versions of Unix & Linux.
  • It is based on WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere), means a java code can run on all platform that support java without need of recompilation.
  • The Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture.
  • The syntax of Java is similar to C and C++, but it has fewer low-level facilities than either of them.
History of Java Programming
  • James Gosling, Mike Sheridan and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in 1991.
  • It was originally designed for interactive television, but unfortunately it was too advanced for digital cable television industry at that time.
  • It was initially called OAK after an oak tree later the project was named GREEN and was finally named Java, from Java Coffee, the coffee from Indonesia.
  • Duke is the Java Mascot.
Primary Goal of Java Programming
There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java Language, which are as follows :
  • It must be simple, object-oriented and familiar.
  • It must be robust and secure.
  • It must be architecture-neutral and portable.
  • It must execute with high performance.
  • It must be interpreted, threaded and dynamic.


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